Monday, December 29, 2014

Should you chew gum the whole plane ride?

Hey Guys! Its the Beauty Queen and today I decided to answer a common question ppl have on airplanes I know i've heard ppl ask this before. So you know how when your plane 1st takes off. Well a lot of ppl like me chew gum at take off.  So some ppl want to know if its ok to be chewing on gum the whole plane ride. And some ppl answer these questions and some just choose to think its ok and to not think its ok. Well once again I did some researching and asked ppl on air planes or who have traveled. And my result was you should chew on it for about if you have a long flight chew on it for about 2 and a half hours if you have a short flight chew on it for about an hour or less. Because if you don't it will hurt your mouth , throat , and it could make your ears hurt alittle. So there your have it only chew your gum on a plan for about half the plane ride well bye guys xoxo - The Beauty Queen.

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