Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Top 10 Most Worst Holidays to travel on!

The Day Before ThanksGiving
Fridys in the summer time
July 4
Memorial Day
Spring Break
New Years Eve
Labor Day
Mardi Gras

                       Hey Guys! Its the Beauty Queen! And just wanted to show you worst days of all time that you could ever travel!! on theses are mostly basted of my experiences maybe just like a tiny number of other people. Well Bye Guys!!!!!!!!!


Monday, December 29, 2014

Should you chew gum the whole plane ride?

Hey Guys! Its the Beauty Queen and today I decided to answer a common question ppl have on airplanes I know i've heard ppl ask this before. So you know how when your plane 1st takes off. Well a lot of ppl like me chew gum at take off.  So some ppl want to know if its ok to be chewing on gum the whole plane ride. And some ppl answer these questions and some just choose to think its ok and to not think its ok. Well once again I did some researching and asked ppl on air planes or who have traveled. And my result was you should chew on it for about if you have a long flight chew on it for about 2 and a half hours if you have a short flight chew on it for about an hour or less. Because if you don't it will hurt your mouth , throat , and it could make your ears hurt alittle. So there your have it only chew your gum on a plan for about half the plane ride well bye guys xoxo - The Beauty Queen.

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Great Snack For Traveling

Hey Guys! Its the Beauty Queen and today I decided to show y'all how to make this really easy snack thats perfect for a car ride or plane ride. Its really simple and some of may of even heard of it ok so u get your favorite mix of food put it in a bag and your done! Well guys gtg bye!

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Do Travel Pillows Really work?

Hey Guys! Today I decided to do a review on Travel Pillows. So do Travel Pillows really work is the question? We'll I've noticed how sometimes when I'm in the car with a travel pillow on I sometimes just want to take it off cuz it doesn't feel that comfy.Like my neck feels like I have been lifting it for a long time.And that hurts.But I would also say could things about the travel pillow.Like you don't have to worry about keeping the pillow from falling out of the area you would like it to be. Like if you brought a regular pillow it falls a lot in the car and you have to re put it back in that spot you liked.And it's really simple to put on it like doesn't take any time to put it on so my rating would probably be on a 1-4 star it would probably be 3 or 4 star cuz I like it but I think it could be better.

Sunday, November 30, 2014

How to unpack after trips!

Hey Guys! And yesterday I got back from my trip ya it was fun we did alot of History stuff. And sadly I still got alot of unpacking to do:( But can do it together so if ur bags look like this after trips oh I feel u. it's not my room but it looks about the same.So 1st make sure you've got everything out of ur suitcase. Then start putting clothes back where they are come on lets get it over with. I mean look even the baby's doing it.So once you already did that put all things such as medicine,tooth paste,tooth brush and more away. Make sure you put the bag back were it goes too.Next step put all extra stuff like toys and more away and ur room should look like this.... Well at least the part with bags and stuff lol.

Thursday, November 27, 2014

On Vac Tips on bags!!

Hey Guys!! Right now I'm posting on my phone. And Today I wanted to give u guys a tip on what size bag u should bring if ur staying at a place for 2 nights or less like me! So I guess if u think u don't need a simple back pack then u should probably bring a suit case. Make sure u have Alittle room but not a lot cuz u may need to buy stuff. But if u had too much room it would be u like carrying it for ever well .Now let's talk about what to pack in a suit case. You should probaby make appropriate clothing for the weather. And you should fold all the clothes and put under wear and socks in the pocket on the top. And u should also pack a small bag with snacks and drinks if ur driving or if the train will let u but not at flying but after u go through security in the gift shops they have candy books and stuff well u should also pack ur phone any electronics ear buds and chargers any thing u need to get to on the way to ur trip and ur regular purse if u would like. You should also pack a small mini bag with ur brush medicine tooth paste tooth brush and other stuff. And if u have spray stuf make sure u put a bag on it to make sure it doesn't leek it's happened to me before.And if u have makeup just put it in a mini bag u would be surprised by how much fits in it. And if u have toys just use the bag u need to get to to put them in. And now if ur only traveling for like a night just bring a bag that fits everything no suit case unless u feel like u gotta have it.And if ur going for a week or longer take a suit case following the tips.

    Well y'all hope u enjoyed bye!

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

First Post!!!

Hey Guys!! I know it's crazy I now own like 5 blogs but I'm such a blogger so what can I say?
We'll in this blog I will be giving you tips on what to bring when traveling. Because my family travels alot like tommorrow I may not most because were going on vac and we are going to be in the car for 3 hours! We'll travelers hope you enjoy once angain another blog xoxo-The Beauty Queen:)